Clean & Safe world

정직하고 신뢰할 수 있는 전문가 집단


We will contribute to development of
human society through constant innovation

  • V1 challenging the newness
  • Do not be afraid of change and challenge in creating new value
  • V2 Truly carried the require of customer
  • We complete the best quality by best effort and truly carried
    the require of customer.
  • V3 Sharing the experience and know-how
  • We share the experience, knowhow by continuous training and create
    the best synergy by smooth communication.

LeewooSolution CI
are shaping a stylized 'building in the city center' to indicate the construction IT specialist, the color of blue means faith and youth, hope. I think as a young explore a variety of business fields, and contains a commitment that LeewooSolution would like to be sure of success that confidence to customers.