Clean & Safe world

정직하고 신뢰할 수 있는 전문가 집단

Automatic Control

(Direct Digital Control)

Change the analog control unit to the digital device, and by using a microprocessor for controlling the process.

input / output device is a device that converts the Digital-the Signal that is capable of processing by Computer to the Analog signal of Local instrumentation product. Controller has the same behavior as conventional Panel-Controller as the most important device. As the Panel PV. SV etc. are invisible, but is connected to the communication Bus Operation-Console and it is possible to send and receive various kinds of information Controller. Operation-Console is connected to the Controller and the people allows the monitoring and operation.

  • It appeared for the process control, such as petrochemical plants. Controller hardware, software, network and engineering in many cases where companies are all available in one solution which is advantageous in terms of system integration, redundancy, and reliability.
  • When processing many analog I/O is advantage.

Control City System Features

A system for building intelligent building systems ControlCity Internet remote control and group control (group management), and the garage has a such interface capabilities of third-party systems or devices by default, a number of patents and the domestic and foreign safety standards, EMI certification, etc. obtained to provide a convenient and reliable control environment. Holds the upper and lower network scalability and compatibility by adopting Ethernet / BACnet and Ethernet / ronwok, supported by brilliant graphics animation feature provides a convenient user-friendly operating environment.

    1. Remote / integrated control
  • Holding the remote control and group control functions via the Internet
  • Use the ICU-SIG holds another vendor product interfaces and control
    2. Stable, reliable, high-speed communication
  • EMI certification of national and international safety standards obtain(CE, UL, EMI, etc.)
  • It holds a number of patents
  • User Authentication(Prevent unauthorized access party)
  • Stand-alone control (all functions can be performed regardless of the presence or absence of a parent over a network or OCS)
  • Support for high-speed communication Ethernet 100Mbps
  • Equipped with high-speed 32bit RISC CPU and memory capacity(ICU-600(S), UniMAC-600)
  • F / W download function reserve (function facilitates improvements and additions)
    3. Open Systems
  • scalability and interoperability with the other systems and Support for BACnet, LonWorks, etc.
  • Apply a commercial DB
  • Reserves reporting capabilities using Microsoft Excel

Control City main function

    1. Project management

    As an application that appears to the main screen of ContolCity system has a function for driving the respective application, and manages the database.

    2. The control logic manager

    It provides editing functions such as LD, FBD, based on the standard IEC-1131-3, management, and simulation capabilities and comes with a built in control logic.

    3. System Configurator

    By defining a project, subsystems, stations, devices, modules, and objects, such as configuring the system to form the primary database for the system operation and provides an environment for performing the monitoring and control for each element.

    4. Maps API manager

    It provides a function that allows users to register a group map, and perform monitoring, control commands, property changes, such as Trend lookup of an object registered in each group.

    5. Graphics Creator

    It provides editing functions for creating a graphics monitor / control screen. Lines, circles, polygons, etc. It features a variety of graphic symbols such as the basic shape creation tools in addition to the data display, push buttons, toggle buttons, edit boxes, strings, animated by default, you can set various attributes for status monitoring / control of the site have.

    6. Schedule manager

    Schedule a time at which the control object, the control logic performs performed, etc., and provides the ability to perform a corresponding operation on the operator absence state based on reserved schedule.

    7. Graphic Launcher

    Using a variety of animations with the feature screen provides the ability to query / control the field operations in real time.

    8. BACNet manager

    Control the City and BACNet system or application that is responsible for BACNet services between devices.

Control City System configuration

시스템 구성도

Control City product

    1. Upper level Controller - ICU-600

    A network-level controller used to control on-site field level controllers


  • Equipped with high-speed 32bit RISC CPU and memory capacity
  • Setting information backup features
  • Firmware can be upgraded online
  • LAN port : 1EA
  • LonWork port : 1EA
  • RS-485 port : 2EA
  • RS-232 port : 7EA (Using the OT 1EA, ICU-600S 6EA)
  • Size(mm) : 306(W) x 306(H) x 62(D)
    2. Field level Controller - UniMAC-600

    Digital control of HAVC, power, and other existing systems within the building


  • Equipped with high-speed 32bit RISC CPU and memory capacity
  • Setting information backup features
  • Firmware can be upgraded online
  • LAN port : 1EA
  • LonWork port : 1EA
  • RS-485 port : 1EA
  • RS-232 port : 1EA (Using the OT)
  • I/O point : AI 8EA, AO 8EA, DI 8EA, DO 8EA
  • Size(mm) : 306(W) x 306(H) x 62(D)
    3. IO Expansion Module

    controls digital and analog input/output signals to allow field level controllers to communicate with on-site equipment

  • XM-AI (Analog input, 6P)

    • RS-485port : 1EA
    • I/Oport: AI 6EA
    • Size(mm) : 102(W) x 137(H) x 67(D)
  • XM-AO (Analog Output, 8P)

    • RS-485port : 1EA
    • I/Oport : AO 8EA
    • Size(mm) : 102(W) x 137(H) x 67(D)
  • XM-DI (Digital input, 8P)

    • RS-485port : 1EA
    • I/Oport : DI 8EA
    • Size(mm) : 102(W) x 137(H) x 67(D)
  • XM-DO (Digital Output, 8P)

    • RS-485port : 1EA
    • I/Oport: DO 8EA
    • Size(mm) : 102(W) x 137(H) x 67(D)
  • XM-VAVC (VAV Control Module, C Type)

    • High-speed 32bit RISC CPU
    • RS-232 port : 1EA
    • I/O port :
      AI 3EA, AO 2EA, DI 4EA, DO 4EA
    • Size(mm) : 180(W) x 164(H) x 56(D)